Questions?Β You mean…

Yes. That means it’s Trivia Time!

While we wait for the autumn to arrive so we can begin our Trivia League, we’re giving you a chance to come out and test your mettle. We’ll be holding a trivia night on Tuesday, July 18, and again in August. Stay tuned for further details.


Yes, it’s our last night. But fear not…we’ll just be taking a break. So come out to the Storehouse at 7:30 on Tuesday to get in a few more rounds of trivia before the greenhouse opens for the season. Come and see which team reigns supreme!Trivia_Plant-April18

So sorry for the confusion from the last post – there are still two more trivia nights left, including tomorrow night!

Come out to the Storehouse at 7:30 for some friends, fun, and fundraising for a good cause. We’ll be getting the greenhouse up and running again within a couple months! We hope to see you tomorrow!Trivia_Plant-April4

Come out tomorrow night to support the ICGS! There are only two more trivia nights for this season, so don’t miss it. We can’t wait to see you there!

Don’t forget – you have until midnight tonight to fill out our survey. Please give us your input.


…but it’s still Trivia Tuesday tomorrow night!

Come out to the Storehouse on Tuesday, March 7 at 7:30 pm for some food, drinks, and plenty of fun. Support the ICGS and test your trivia mettle.

We’ll see you there!

Trivia Night is back this Tuesday at 7:30 PM at the Storehouse! Come out and support the Iqaluit Community Greenhouse Society, while having fun with friends and learning some new things. See you there!


You’ve asked for it. And now we’re answering. Trivia Nights are back!

Starting on Tuesday, February 7 at 7:30 PM, come down to the Storehouse Bar & Grill for another great night of fun, food, drinks, and trivia! You’ll have a great time and be supporting an amazing local cause.

We’re still looking for volunteers to help. Contact us if you’d like to volunteer with either creating our fabulous question bank, or to assist on trivia nights.

See you there!


Happy New Year! Welcome to 2017! We hope everyone had a wonderful holiday break.

With the start of a new year, we are getting back in gear to start up trivia nights again. But we need your help.

We’re looking for some help for both trivia preparation, and to assist with volunteering on trivia nights. The only stipulation is that you would not be able to play trivia. Some tasks we need help with include question creation, collection of entry fees or 50/50 sales, and tallying of trivia round results.

Think you have the trivia chops? Contact us by email or send us a message at our Facebook page. We look forward to having you join our Trivia Night Team.

Stay tuned for our winter 2017 Trivia Night schedule…it’s coming soon!

We’re nearly a month away from the holiday season, and Iqaluit is buzzing with excitement. This is the time of year when crafters are busily preparing their wares, and making preserves and baking are popular activities. The Iqaluit Greenhouse was so excited about our Thanksgiving Harvest sale, that we decided to do it all over again.

Come out to the greenhouse on Saturday, November 26 from 11 am to 2 pm to check out some tasty treats and fabulous crafts. You never know what you might find.

We remind everyone to dress for the weather. The greenhouse is not heated, so bundle up!


…so, you know what that means? You should come out to trivia tomorrow night at the Storehouse! Only a few more trivia nights until we take a break for the holidays. See you at 7:30!
